Now available

Hello other brains,

At long last I am making this available. Input Brain is the culmination of a lot of work over a lot of time with a lot of distractions happening here, and there, and now, and then. The zine introduces new backgrounds and starting points for characters that may or may not be robots.
If not the end-all magnum opus of robot brain expansion books, may it at least be the spring-loaded bouncy castle to inspire your own creative ideas.

Input brain introduces homebew material for the Vast Grimm rpg, which itself is based off the Mork Borg 3rd party license. Vast Grimm takes the dark and gritty tabletop rules of Mork Borg and flings them into the distant, forgotten corners of a dying universe. The original Vast Grimm guide, however, didn't flesh out the robots as much as they deserved (in my opinion).  So I fleshed in the robots with my own ideas from my own meat brain.

I really hope somebody out there enjoys this.

- Latt


InputBrain.pdf 136 MB
Oct 15, 2023

Get Input Brain - zine for Vast Grimm

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