Soundtrack for Halloween

Hello There,

I have included a recording of some of the sound work I did for this game so you can creep out your guests on Halloween.  The recordings were of a creepy old music box with other layers mixed in. One track is me chanting and layered on top and slowed down to match the length. The click-click-click-click you hear before the music box is me winding the box up.  Some of the weird distortions you hear are from putting some reverb zones in the scene using Unity or animating the pitch and speaker output for the sound source in the scene (for example, in the menu scene of the game, the pitch of the music is animated so is slows down, reverses, speeds up, and does some other creepy things.)

In the game, most of the voices were my wife. One of the voices was me. Maybe the creepy thing at the end was me too...

To make this final recording, I plugged a speaker aux cable from one computer into a laptop and recorded with Audacity while dragging the sound sources around in the scene. Nothing professional, but hopefully it sounds ok.



Doll House soundtrack 5.8 MB
Oct 29, 2019

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nice job on the music for this game!